Pre-congresso international 3 de Agosto 2024 INFORMATION
with Judith Kellner Chairperson: Martine Nisse One of the goals of working with couples or Individuals (using the EFT model) is to help each partner get in touch with their vulnerable emotions. Achieving this goal is particularly difficult when partners have past trauma. If the trauma is from a previous generation, it is even harder […]
Familles avec parents LGBTQ+ : des problèmes cliniques spécifiques pour des familles comme les autres Avec Federico Ferrari. Présidente de séance: Myriam Cassen Les familles avec des parents LGBTQ+ sont parfaitement capables de répondre aux besoins évolutifs de leurs enfants, mais elles sont confrontées à un défi spécifique : la prémisse sociale hétéronormative. La réponse […]
Rony Abou Daher will be introducing the conversation by sharing a general overview on challenges and opportunities of working in an environment of constant political, financial, social and cultural turmoil. Rony will raise questions regarding most common clinical requests in the Arab countries and open the conversation on generalisation and particularities in psychotherapy, refugees and […]
Lors de cette conversation Maria Borcsa et Ivy Daure présenteront leur dernier livre : « Mobilités et Migrations : Repenser l’approche systémique à l’heure de la mondialisation. » ESF. Dans un monde toujours plus interconnecté et internationalisé, jamais les mobilités des personnes n’ont été aussi nombreuses, qu’elles soient choisies et préparées ou, au contraire, précipitées. Quel que soit le […]
With Vassilis Charalambopoulos Chairperson: Hans Christian Michaelsen In a world of increasing fragmentation, isolation and alienation, we systemic thinkers, have the amazing opportunity to be facilitators of safe connection, growth and personal differentiation through understanding and utilizing the recourses the power and the magic of group process. SIGN UP
Avec Myriam Cassen Présidente de séance : Marie-Jeanne Schon La thérapie familiale systémique classique soutient que les symptômes vécus par un patient peuvent être aggravés ou minorés par la qualité des interactions familiales entourant le sujet porteur du symptôme. De même, une parentalité inadaptée aux besoins développementaux des enfants peut engendrer des troubles chez ces […]
With Joana Sequeira Chairperson: Matthias Ochs Individuals, families, and societies engage in the construction of meaning and historical identities through storytelling processes. Therapeutic narrative approaches are centered around the deconstruction and reconstruction of stories, aiming to introduce complexity and diversity by bringing forth alternative voices and versions of events that enrich narratives about individuals and […]
You are invited to a meeting for LGBTQIA+ systemic therapists to check in with each other and maybe plan a very queer conference… It’s an online get together on Saturday 27th April 9-10.30am for LGBTQIA+ systemic therapists in the UK and Europe to discuss hot topics and maybe even plan a systemic conference or event for ourselves. You […]
Dr. Viola Sallay, PhD What is experience mapping (ExperiMAP)? It is a systemic research and intervention tool that helps professionals map affective and relational self-regulative actions and reactions in the everyday lives of individuals, couples, and families. As a visual, creative, and qualitative method, it makes the invisible visible in research and therapy. The procedure […]
Le drame de l’inceste est « joué » par au moins trois personnes, souvent sur plusieurs générations. Martine Nisse, Présidente d’EFTA-CIM, assistante sociale française, thérapeute familiale, superviseur et formatrice depuis près de 40 ans au Centre des Buttes-Chaumont à Paris, qu’elle a cofondé et qu’elle dirige, partagera son expérience de « l’approche systémique » des systèmes incestueux, et son […]
The 7th Conference of Asian Academy of Family Therapy (AAFT)
QRMH8 Information The incidence of mental health problems continues to increase worldwide with untold and often ignored negative effects on the social and economic wellbeing of individuals, families and society. This is in part due to major demographic and epidemiological transitions. Statistics are expected to continue to rise as suicide, premature mortality rates linked with […]
The 7th AAFT Annual Conference
Keynote Speakers: Wai Yung Lee, Donghyun Ahn, John K. Miller, Ping-Chuan Hsiung
Narrative psychotherapie und nomadische theorie
Eine internationale konferenz an der Univeristät Witten/Herdecke in kooperarioin mit der Fachzeltschirft « Familien dynamik »
Congrès international organisé par SIRTS (avec le patronage d’EFTA CIM)
Traduction Français – italien – Français, anglais – italien – anglais
Réduction pour les membres d’EFTA CIM en ordre de cotisation 2019: 150€ jusqu’au 10/11/19
10th EFTA Congress
Discount for EFTA CIM Members
6th Annual Asian Academy of Family Therapy Conference
In collaboration with PPIS Family Therapy Institute (Singapore)
XV congreso RELATES
Conference organized by the Istituto di Scienze Cognitive
First speakers: Peter Fonagy, Paul Gilbert, Daniel Goleman, Janina Fisher, Dolores Mosquera, Daniel Siegel, Lorna Smith Benjamin, Liz Mullinar and Alessandro Carmelita
EFTA individual members are entitled of the reduced fee of £300
American Family Therapy Academy (AFTA) 2019 Conference
The goals of this year’s conference are twofold: (1) to examine how we use our knowledge to address ruptures and repairs in couples, families, communities and in our relationship with the environment and non-human beings; and, (2) to devise strategies for creating sustainable change and repair.
VIème Journées européennes d’intervention systémique et de thérapie familiale organisée par PSYCOM et Elkaïm Formations
Avec Boris Cyrulnik, Stefano Cirillo, Salvatore D’Amore, Mony Elkaïm, Edith Goldbeter, Michel Maestre.
Convegno Internazionale CIPRA 2018 (con il patrocinio de EFTA)
Diverse sono le iniziative già realizzate in Italia per il quarantennale della Legge 180. Il CIPRA – Coordinamento Italiano Professionisti della Relazione d’Aiuto propone un convegno di due giorni che vedrà in apertura l’On.le Bruno Orsini, il relatore della legge nota come “Legge Basaglia”; una tavola rotonda storica con testimoni degli anni Settanta che furono vicino a Franco Basaglia; una seconda tavola rotonda con esperti di salute mentale del mondo, per conoscere altre realtà e per capire come viene vista l’Italia; l’ultima per parlare di attualità e disegnare scenari futuri. Il convegno offre altresì un dialogo interdisciplinare, arricchito dalla presenza di familiari di pazienti, uno spazio per l’età evolutiva, discussioni su come costruire ponti tra il sanitario, il sociale e l’educativo e uno spettacolo a cura di operatori, familiari e persone che vivono un disagio psichico.
5th Annual Conference of Asian Academy of Family Therapy Information
Love and/in War: Training in Dramatic Times Information
Realizaçao ABRATEF All information
Organized by ISC International Price for EFTA members: £370 (Full price £420) Website for registration
Organized by ISC International Special rate for EFTA members: £639 (Full price £709) Website for registration
Colloque organisé par le Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches à l’Approche Systémique (CERAS) Avec : Yveline Rey, Joël Picart, Sabine Lagardère, Céline Paris-Zapata, Anne Rochet, Angélique Train, Edouard Zapata. Thème : Découvrons comment en thérapie individuelle ou familiale, ainsi qu’en analyse des pratiques, des méthodes créatives d’entretien (ou objets flottants) permettent d’expérimenter de nouvelles règles […]
40th Annual Meeting & Open Conference of AFTA (American Family Therapy Academy) Further information
Organisé par EFTA CIM en collaboration avec l’Institut d’Anthropologie Clinique et l’Université de Toulouse Premiers orateurs: Juan Antonio Abeijon Merchan, Sidi Askofaré, Anne Chouhy, Catherine Ducommun-Nagy, Jean-Paul Gaillard, Serge Hefez, Jean-Claude Maes, Gérard Pirlot, Patrick Spapen, Pierre Benghozi, Jean-Pierre Couteron, Mony Elkaïm, Guy Hardy, Natale Losi, Jean Maisondieu, Jacques Pluymaekers. L’IAC et l’EFTA CIM ont […]
Bedforshire International Systemic Spring School With: D. Soyini Madison, Carina Hakansson, Imelda McCarthy, Gail Simon Information
For the Future! International Conference Contextual Therapy, April 18-20, 2018 Towards a strong future for Contextual Therapy The Institute Contextual Approach and the Research Group Youth and Family, both part of the Christian University of Applied Sciences Ede, The Netherlands, are proud and pleased to invite you to the International Conference Contextual Therapy 2018 (ICCT […]
More info
Expériences de dialogue sur la violence: cultures, institutions, genres et générations La violence, selon les définitions courantes et dans ses différentes formes et contextes, est l’usage de la force pour imposer sa volonté contre celle de l’autre. Le dialogue est la capacité de rester à l’écoute et de tolérer les prémisses opposées aux siennes, dans […]
4th Annual Conference of the Asian Academy of Family Therapy More info
“The Times, they are a-changing” Creativity in Systemic Training today
Congrès international organisé par l’Institut d’Etudes de la Famille et des Systèmes Humains de Bruxelles, sponsorisé par l’Université de Louisiane à Monroe, avec le soutien d’Elkaïm Formations Programme inscription en ligne:
organisé par PSYCOM Formation et Elkaïm Formations IVème journées européennes d’intervention systémique et de thérapie familiale Intervenants: Mony Elkaïm, Serge Hefez, Michel Maestre, Robert Neuburger. plus d’informations
Leaders in the mental health field from the U.S. and around the globe will showcase their work in presentations that illustrate a wide reach of individual, couple, and family therapy in a variety of contexts and applications, both clinical and non-clinical. All presentations are eligible for CEs unless otherwise indicated. The 39th Annual Meeting and […]
Brathay Hall, Ambleside, Lake District, UK 26th – 28th April 2017 (optional Writing Retreat on 29th & 30th April) Speakers: Kimberley Dark, Glenda Fredman, Taiwo Afuape, Gail Simon, Birgitte Pedersen, Liz Day This is slow conferencing. For people who want to reflect with others, have deep dialogue and walk and talk by the shores of […]
The Odyssey to the Ithaca of Learning Information
With Jaakko Seikkula (FIN) Justine van Lawick (BEL) Elena Ceuca (ROM) and Lucie Hornová (CZ) information
2016 World Conference Information
Spinning threads for the fabric of SPR Information and Submission portal:
AFTA 38th Annual Meeting & Open Conference Information
Information The Qualitative Research on Mental Health conference has been established as an international transdisciplinary forum for dedicated qualitative research on a range of topics in the field of mental health, using a variety of methodologies and approaches. The 1st and 2nd Qualitative Research in Mental Health Conferences were held in Tampere, Finland, in 2006 […]
7th Congress of the Association of Marriage and Family Therapists of Slovenia Information
IFTA’s XXIV World Family Therapy Congress
International Congress organized by Società Italiana di Ricerca e Terapia Sistemica (SIRTS) and the Hellenic Systemic Thinking & Family Therapy Association (HESTAFTA) Program Programma Generale (Italiano) Registration
8ème Congrès Vents d’Ouest Innovation n’équivaut pas à nouveauté, il est nécessaire, s’agissant de pratiques éducatives, que celle-ci introduise une différence à l’intérieur de quelque chose d’établi et de probant quant aux résultats. Les évolutions sociétales induisent des changements psychologiques majeurs. Ce congrès International Vents d’Ouest est le fruit d’un partenariat d’exception avec les Centres […]
In partnership with the EFTA, IEFSH-Brussels, EAP and the WCP, Tabyeen Lebanon have the pleasure to invite you to the 2015 International-Regional Conference “Medicine, Psychotherapy and Cultural Transmission” that will take place in Beirut on the 15, 16 and the 17th of October 2015. Kindly visit our website for more detailed information:
organized by The Ontario Association for Marriage & Family Therapy and the International Family Therapy Association.
4ème Journées Européennes d’intervention systémique et de thérapie familiale Intervenants: Boris Cyrulnik, Mony Elkaïm, Edith Goldbeter, Anne Chouhy, Isabelle Meignant, Frédéric Mauriac, Michel Maestre informations et programme
4ème Journées Européennes d’intervention systémique et de thérapie familiale Intervenants: Boris Cyrulnik, Mony Elkaïm, Edith Goldbeter, Anne Chouhy, Isabelle Meignant, Frédéric Mauriac, Michel Maestre informations et programme
A dialogue between historical and modern approaches, models and trends. 1st Quest International conference information
“Embracing New Knowledge Training for Integrative and Innovative Systemic Practice” More information
Summer School and Forschungssymposium Psychotherapieforschung – Neurowissenschaften – Komplexe Systeme Information Programme
Unity and Diversity in Action Beit Issie Shapiro We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for Beit Issie Shapiro’s 6th International Conference on Disabilities. The conference will focus on the positive shift of the field of disabilities into the language of human rights, strengthened by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons […]
Deadline for abstract submission is December 5, 2014
20th Congress of EAP in Athens First announcement
presents a two-day Conference exploring the connection between these two major elements of our primary relationship. website:
AFTA 2015 Conference information:
Convegno internazionale SIPPR programma
Changing Traditions and Family Therapy: Dangers and Opportunities for Families more information
Colloque systémique organisé par le C.E.F.A. /IECF Intervenants: Pr Isabelle DURET, Pr Nicolas FAVEZ, Pr Pascale JAMOULLE, Dr Robert NEUBURGER, Pr Eric WIDMER, Pr Suzanne WOLFF Informations
5th European Congress of the International Neuropsychiatric Association 2nd Interdisciplinary Congress “Psychiatry and Related Sciences” more information
Invited Speakers: Michele Weiner-Davis, Michael Durrant, Frank Thomas and Cynthia Hansen. Milwaukee, Wisconsin is home of the Brief Family Therapy Center and its founders Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg. AAMFT is proud to announce we will be hosting a “Tribute to Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg, and the BFTC” on Friday of […]
The Milan School is glad to announce the International Conference.The aim of the conference is to connect the roots of Gianfranco Cecchin’s views with possible future perspectives, through an exploration of present issues and experiences in the field of the systemic practices. For more information