Dear friends and colleagues,
This autumn marked not only the 25th anniversary of the “peaceful revolution” in Leipzig and the fall of the Berlin Wall, but commemorated also changes in Europe and beyond, resulting in the lifting of the iron curtain. For some of us these alterations still appear as a miracle. For the younger ones, Europe is experienced as a continent with open borders, travelling around freely seems “natural”. We should not forget though that these achievements are results of concrete social and political activities.
Taking action accordingly, 15 colleagues from 9 European countries seized the opportunity in these times of change. The former European Family Therapy Network, created in 1986 with its earlier foundations in conference meetings, initiated a European association. Established formally in 1990, EFTA will have existed a quarter of a century next year!
This association is growing year after year, playing a visible part on the global arena. Having now members from 29 European nations as well as from Israel is an accomplishment we wish to celebrate, with the founding and current members! Below you can read more information on this anniversary event.