Cloe Madanes

Born in 1940, she is a teacher in family therapy and brief therapy

Born in 1940, she is a teacher in family therapy and brief therapy. Wife to Haley, she has been the supervisor of Tony Robbins since 2002 to train strategic interventionists for finding solutions to interpersonal conflicts. Recognized as a Master Therapist by the American Psychotherapy Association.

Umberta Telfener: There has been a time in which we were good acquaintances, then life brought us in different directions. In 2000 and something I had decided to give myself the privilege to follow one of Tony Robins very expensive seminars. It was held in London, we were 10.000. You can’t imagine my surprise when during the three day seminar he started talking about his masters and mentioned Cloè as his direct supervisor. Everything got in place. Now I know why I was enjoying the seminar so much, because it was systemic in its heart, even if this was not made explicit. I still had Cloè’s phone and I tried to call her in the States, I passed through many secretaries before it was promised she would call me back. She did, and we had a talk remembering the old times. Too much life had passed by, we did not rejoin again.

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