#6 March 2009

A word from the President

Dear EFTA members,

Welcome to the 6th edition of our e-newsletter, in which we try to keep you up-to-date with some of the events and concerns in our systemic world! In response to feedback from our members, we now indicate the language in which the article is published. As this is an electronic newletter, we have the potential to publish in all European languages, and would encourage you to submit articles in your language.

Please note the latest promotional material from our next EFTA Congress, to be held in Paris, October 29-31, 2010.

We hope you enjoy this 6th newsletter!

With best wishes

Arlene Vetere

Articles in several languages (Français, English)

Alain Chabert (France)

Secret(s) professionnel(s): de l’opacité et de ses bienfaits (PDF 176 Kb)
Intervention au colloque du Réseau 3S, Montargis (France), 20/01/2009.

Pierre Duterte (France)

Thérapie familiale chez les mineurs isolés étrangers…?  Une impossibilité, un paradoxe, une solution? (PDF 188 Kb)

Juan Luis Linares (Spain)

Cases that have taught me a lot (PDF 72 Kb)
In Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, vol. 12, n. 3, 349-360. 2007

Gianmarco Manfrida (Italy)

Plausible, convincing and good: characteristics and development of therapeutic stories in a shared reality approach (PDF 196 Kb)

Robert Neuburger (France, Suisse)

“Qui sont nos grands-parents?” ou “Avons-nous mal à nos racines?” (PDF 128 Kb)
Reprise de la conférence introductive aux Journées Suisses de Thérapie Familiale, 12-13 septembre 2008 ( Fribourg).

Good news from Germany

Systemic therapy is now an evidence-based treatment approach in Germany

The Board of Scientific Examiners in Berlin/ Germany has confirmed that systemic therapy is an evidence-based treatment approach for adults as well as children and adolescents…
More (PDF 64 Kb)
Read the press release

Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat Psychotherapie in Berlin  nach vielen Sitzungen und einem eingehenden Evaluationsverfahren bestätigt hat, dass die Systemische Therapie ein evidenzbasiertes Behandlungsverfahren, und zwar sowohl für Erwachsene als auch für Kinder und Jugendlichen…
Mehr Informationen (PDF 96 Kb)

European masters degree in family therapy

Proposal for a European Masters in family therapy

Over the two last years, the basic idea developped by Jim Sheehan and Per Jensen is to provide an easily recognized degree in Family Therapy that would be available across Europe to those successfully completing a local family therapy training that meets relevant European standards at the same time as undertaking a small part of their training in Training  Institutes outside their own national borders.  Download the PPP (48 kb).

About France

French situation regarding mental health

“Mental Health Europe” calls on the French policy makers not to worsen the situation of persons in mental health facilities.  Read the press release (PDF 53 Ko)

“Santé Mentale Europe” appelle les décideurs politiques français à ne pas aggraver la situation des personnes dans les services de santé mentale!
Lire le communiqué de presse (PDF 58 Ko)

Next EFTA Congress in Paris, 29-31 October 2010

60 years of family therapy, 20 years of E.F.T.A… what next ? New directions for systemic practice

Between historical trends, recent developments and future directions, where do family therapy and systemic practices stand today?

In a social landscape of ever-shifting family, cultural and political changes, how has practice and theory evolved, which ethical framework do these transformations fit into? What are the perspectives in the future?

These are the issues, bridging the past, the present and the future, we will be addressing at the 7th European Family Therapy Association (E.F.T.A) congress in Paris, October 29th, 30th and 31st 2010.  Information (PDF 132 Ko)

60 ans de thérapie familiale, 20 ans d’E.F.T.A…et après ? Nouvelles perspectives pour la pratique systémique
Entre histoire et prospective,  qu’en est-il de la thérapie familiale et des pratiques systémiques ?
Dans un paysage social qui ne cesse de se modifier au gré des recompositions familiales, culturelles et politiques, comment les théories et les pratiques ont-elles évolué ? Dans quelle éthique  cette mutation s’inscrit-elle? Vers quelles perspectives ?
C’est à ce questionnement qui relie hier, aujourd’hui et demain que vous convie le  7ème congrès de l’Association Européenne de Thérapie Familiale (E.F.T.A) à Paris les 29, 30 et 31 octobre 2010.  Informations (PDF 112 Ko)

Recent publications / Publications récentes

Entre résilience et résonance: à l’écoute des émotions

Boris Cyrulnik, Mony Elkaïm, sous la direction de Michel Maestre. Editions Fabert, 05/03/2009.

Le thérapeute en formation

Cahiers Critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux n°41, Editions De Boeck Université, 01/2009.  Plus d’informations

Maladie mentale et hôpital psychiatrique

Famille, psychothérapie et société

Salvador Minuchin, Joel Elizur. Traduction et préface de Serge Kannas. Carrefour des Psychothérapies, Editions de Boeck, 11/2008.  Plus d’informations

News from EFTA-CIM / Nouvelles d’EFTA-CIM

Encouraging exchanges – Encourager les échanges

Our next congress in Paris in 2010 is approaching quickly.  I would like to encourage the EFTA members to use the website in order to exchange and propose joint workshops on topics shared by members from various countries.

You received the new directory.  Please communicate to Fabienne the possible changes in your personal data to keep our files updated.

The website is in progress :  It is translated into French, English, Spanish, Italian and Greek.  German and Dutch will soon be added.  The Agenda includes more and more information about events.  We invite you to enrich the website with your information, publications, … so that it is visited more and more frequently.

Jacques Pluymaekers
Chair of EFTA-CIM

Notre congrès à Paris en 2010 approche à grands pas.  J’encourage les membres à utiliser le site web pour créer des échanges en vue de proposer des ateliers sur des thèmes communs à des membres de différents pays.

Le nouveau directory vous est parvenu.  N’oubliez pas de transmettre à Fabienne les changements éventuels de coordonnées afin que nos listings soient tenus à jour.

Le site web progresse.  Il est pour l’instant traduit en 5 langues (Français, anglais, espagnol, italien et grec. L’allemand et le néerlandais seront prochainement accessibles).  Les informations concernant des congrès sont de plus en plus nombreuses.  Nous vous invitons  à enrichir davantage le site afin qu’il soit visité de plus en plus fréquemment.

Jacques Pluymaekers
Président d’EFTA-CIM

News from EFTA-TIC

5th Meeting of Trainers

With pleasure we announce the 5th Meeting of Trainers to be held in Krakow, Poland, October 2nd – 4th, 2009.

The theme this year will be “Issues of Family Therapy Training in an Unpredictable World”.

We invite you to join us in this event where trainers’ interaction, mutual learning and support can become a tool for embracing the unpredictability of today’s world.

The meeting is set to take place at the Jagiellonian University in the beautiful city of Krakow, and is to be hosted by the Polish Family Therapy Association which has eagerly offered its hospitality.

Registration fees will be largely financed by the funds of the EFTA-TIC Chamber so as to secure a modest charge for participants. (registration fees – PDF 196 Kb)

As is accustomed by EFTA-TIC, all presentations will be interactive and illustrative in nature. Places for presentations are limited. Priority will be given to colleagues presenting for the first time at a TIC meeting.

We look forward to receiving your proposals for presentation in what promises to be an unpredictably creative meeting.

The EFTA-TIC Board

News from EFTA-NFTO

Report from the NFTO Chamber

The NFTO board and the General Board of EFTA met in Barcelona on 16th-18th of January.

−    After the last meeting of the NFTO Chamber in Helsinki the board wrote a text on the role of the national representatives in NFTO chamber. It is intended to help the new representatives to know their role and responsibilities.

−    The working group around the so called “Core text”, now named as “Family and Systems practice: The Essentials”, has almost finalized its work. In Barcelona meeting the NFTO board also elaborated the text. The text will be sent to the associations during this spring inviting them to suggest any additions or alterations and it will be presented for approval in the June meeting in Leipzig.

−    Some of the working groups worked with the questionnaire concerning the update of the NFTO profile. This work is proceeding; the board will send the questionnaire before the meeting for the associations to fill. The goal for this update is to keep our NFTO profile alive and to gather useful information both for the associations and for the work of the NFTO board.

−    EFTA Research Committee has worked hard to continue the work around research initiatives that were spoken about in Helsinki meeting. The associations will soon receive detailed information about these plans.

−    Treasurer Eric Louis has prepared the budget for 2009. The membership fee in NFTO chamber has three levels now: 50, 300 and 900 euros, as it was decided in the Helsinki meeting.

The next NFTO chamber meeting will be held in Leipzig, Germany, on 12th to 14th of June. We have chosen the following theme for the meeting: “Social changes in our societies and how family therapy can help in these changes”.

We hope to meet national representatives from all the associations there! We also remind you of the opportunity to bring another person from your board with you to the meeting; it enriches the experience and helps to include your board to the work of the NFTO chamber. Don’t hesitate to contact us, if you need more information about our work or if you want to inform us about developments in your own country or to suggest topics for discussion in our Chamber.

On behalf of the NFTO board

Eija-Liisa Rautiainen            Mina Polemi-Todoulou
Chair person                           General secretary
NFTO chamber                       NFTO chamber


Professor Maria Orwid, Honorary member of EFTA, passed away.

Maria Orwid, Holocaust survivor and guardian of the Holocaust memory, outstanding psychiatry professor at the Jagiellionian University in Krakow, died on February 9th in Krakow.
Read the obituary by Barbara Józefik & Bogdan de Barbaro (PDF 48 Kb)

Calendar of Events

Agressivité, violence et psychopathologie (Lyon, France)

Colloque International, 14 au 16 mai 2009, Lyon (France) organisé par l’IFATC

Die Einbeziehung von Geschichten und Lebensweisheiten in der pädagogischen, beraterischen und therapeutischen Arbeit (Luxemburg)

Nossrat Peseschkian, am 11. und 12. Mai 2009, Stiftung Kannerschlass, Luxemburg
Informationen (PDF 88 Ko)

Meaning of Happiness and Psychotherapy (EAP Congress)

2-5 July 2009, Lisbon, Portugal

Link to the agenda on the EFTA website

Contact us

For any contributions, comments, … Do not hesitate to contact us!

President of EFTA: Professor Arlene Vetere  
EFTA Secretariat : Fabienne Dardenne

Agenda Upcoming events

Agenda Prochains évènements