#11 January 2013

A word from EFTA’s President

Dear Friends, dear Colleagues at our EFTA Network, Welcome to EFTA’s Newsletter 11!

In the past months, we have put our efforts into developping a “new version” both of the EFTA website and of the Newsletter. We hope that you, too, will find this a creative development and that you will actively contribute to its further evolution. Our aim is that the Newsletter becomes a truly interactive means of exchanging information and experiences from our various professional activities.

Towards this purpose, we have gathered together a number of interesting items in this Newsletter, including updates from the activities of EFTA’s 3 Chambers, news from our members, an article on the Status of Psychotherapy in Europe – by Alfred Pritz, a long-time member of the EAP Board – along with a number of interesting articles and publication announcements.

Please keep in mind that, as an electronic Newsletter, we have the ability to publish your work in various European languagues. We invite you to submit your articles for the EFTA Newsletter, so that your work will be circulated among your colleagues in other European countries.

Furthermore, in our attempt to keep you informed of the activities taking place in our European Systemic community, under the heading “Calendar of Events” you will find information on specific conferences and workshops scheduled for 2013. Kindly keep us informed as to the family therapy and systemic practice events you are planning and we will undertake to promote these through the Newsletter.

2013 will also bring us together for the 8th EFTA Congress in the city of Istanbul, Turkey – a crossroad of different cultures and a meeting point for East and West. In collaboration with our Turkish colleagues of the Family and Marital Therapies Association (AETD), we are busily getting this Congress organized and are happy with its process of development. You may visit the Congress website for more information (

We encourage you all to submit your proposals for presenting your work at what promises to be a very interesting and truly interactive event!

Keep in mind that you may contact the EFTA secretariat or me personally () for any questions or further information you may wish about our Association an its activities.

Warm collegial greetings,

Kyriaki Polychroni
EFTA President

Le mot de la présidente d’EFTA

Chers Amis, chers membres d’EFTA, Bienvenue dans notre 11ème Newsletter!

Ces derniers mois, nous avons consacré tous nos efforts pour développer une “nouvelle version” du site d’EFTA et de la Newsletter. Nous espérons que vous trouverez ce développement créatif et que vous contribuerez activement à son évolution prochaine.
Nous souhaitons que la Newsletter devienne un véritable moyen d’échanges interactifs d’informations et d’expériences de nos diverses activités professionnelles.

A cette fin, nous avons réuni dans cette Newsletter des sujets variés: des informations sur les activités des 3 chambres, des nouvelles de nos membres, un article sur le statut de la psychothérapie en Europe (par A. Pritz, membre du Board de l’EAP) ainsi qu’un certain nombre d’articles intéressants et de publications récentes.
La Newsletter électronique nous permet de publier vos travaux dans plusieurs langues européennes. Nous vous invitons dès lors à nous soumettre des articles, ce qui permettra à vos travaux d’être diffusés auprès de vos collègues d’autres pays d’Europe.

De plus, soucieux de vous tenir informés des activités qui ont lieu au sein de notre “communauté systémique européenne”, vous trouverez dans la rubrique “Calendar of Events” des informations sur des conférences et ateliers spécifiques programmés pour 2013. Nous vous demandons de nous tenir informés des événements que vous organisez afin que nous puissions les relayer dans les Newsletters.

2013 nous réunira pour le 8ème congrès d’EFTA à Istanbul en Turquie, un carrefour de différentes cultures et un point de rencontre entre l’Est et l’Ouest. En collaboration avec nos collègues turcs de l’Association de thérapie familiale et conjugale (AETD), nous consacrons beaucoup de temps à préparer ce congrès et sommes satisfaits de voir comment la préparation avance. Pour plus d’informations, nous vous invitons à visiter le site du congrès (

Nous vous encourageons tous à soumettre vos propositions pour présenter vos travaux à cet événement qui promet d’être très intéressant et interactif!

N’hésitez pas à me contacter personnellement () ou le secrétariat d’EFTA pour toutes questions relatives à notre association et à ses activités.

Avec mes voeux chaleureux,

Kyriaki Polychroni,
Présidente d’EFTA

In memory…

The EFTA Board has lost “one of its own”

It is with shock and sadness that the members of the EFTA General Board encountered the unfortunate news that one of our members so un-expectantly “left us”. Pier Giuseppe Defilippi, an integral member of the EFTA-CIM Board and currently its secretary, passed away quietly on the first day if this New Year.
Life is so fragile, something we do not often remember in our everyday lives. It is a sad event such as this that gives us the opportunity to appreciate and be grateful for our health, our families, our friendships and our collegial relationships… to wonder, doubt, discover and commit ourselves to their meaningful priorities…
We convey our sincere and respectful sympathy to his wife and family.

Kyriaki Polychroni, EFTA President

Pier Giuseppe, “Pippo” has passed away. We were all astonished by his sudden death. All those who knew him will remenber this discrete and gracious man, anxious to be at your disposal, always listening, often with a sense of humor. All these, qualities along with his competence, made him a very professional worker, appreciated, engaged with the families he treated, happy to teach his students what was close to him more in heart: respect based on authentic ethics of responsibility. It is up to us to keep in memory all that he brought us.

Jacques Pluymaekers, Chair EFTA-CIM

Pier Giuseppe, “Pippo” nous a quitté, son décès nous surprenant tous. Tous ceux qui l’ont connu se rappelleront cet homme discret, affable, soucieux de rendre service, toujours à l’écoute et souvent avec une petite pointe d’humour. Ce sont ces qualités alliées à sa compétence qui ont fait de lui ce professionnel apprécié, engagé auprès des familles, heureux de transmettre à ses étudiants ce qui lui tenait le plus à coeur: le respect fondé sur une authentique éthique de la responsabilité. A nous de garder en mémoire tout ce qu’il nous a apporté.

Jacques Pluymaekers, Président d’EFTA-CIM

Dear Friends,
Unfortunately, I have very sad news to report: Pier Giuseppe Defilippi (Pippo) died yesterday. He died on the first January, at his home near Torino. He had spent the last evening surrounded by his family, his wife Giovanna, their four children and grandchildren. Althought he had been doing poorly for the last two months, spending most of the time hospitalized, his various problems were not expected to be life threatening. This sudden, tragic loss has shocked and saddened his family, friends, colleagues and students.
Pippo left a rich legacy and will be remembered for his great intelligence, generosity of spirit and untiring efforts to help those who had need of his exemplary skills. He had an uncommon ability to turn initiatives into viable projects. As his work at EMMECI, CSTRF, SIPPR and EFTA will attest, he had the rare gift of quietly guiding conflicting forces into productive directions. This is a profound loss of one of our most influential leaders. He will be deeply missed by all.

Francesco Bruni, EFTA-NFTO Treasurer

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the 8th Congress of the European Family Therapy Association – EFTA – organized in cooperation with the Family and Marital Therapies Association of Turkey (Ail eve Evlilik Terapileri Dernegi –AETD). The Conference will be held on October 24th -27th, 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey – a city of great beauty and diverse cultures.

The theme of the Congress is: ‘Opportunities in a Time of Crisis: The Role of the Family’

Distinguished colleagues thoughout Europe and aroung the world will come together in what promises to be a very interesting, fruitful event, very relevant to today’s ever changing global reality. Invited Speakers include:

  • Eia Asen – UK | Giorgos Bardanis – Greece | Nora Bateson – US
  • Jorge Burmeister – Spain | Nevena Calovska Hertzog – Serbia | Maurizo Coletti – Italy
  • Salvatore D’Amore – Belgium | Rodolfo de Bernart – Italy | Murat Dokur – Turkey
  • Cecilia Edelstein – Italy | Mony Elkaim – Belgium | Elizabeth Fivaz – Switzerland
  • Vittorio Gallese – Italy | Guy Hardy – Belgium | Susan Johnson – Canada
  • Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaş – Turkey | Philip Kearney – Ireland | Juan Luis Linares – Spain
  • Mauro Mariotti – Italy | Imelda McCarthy – Ireland | Jacques Miermont – France
  • Salvador Minuchin – US* | Froso Moureli – Greece | Jean Paul Mugnier – France
  • Trish Murphy – Ireland | Luigi Onnis – Italy | Renos Papadopoulos – UK
  • Roberto Pereira – Spain | Esther Perel – US | Jacques Pluymaekers – Belgium
  • Kyriaki Polychroni – Greece | Petros Polychronis – Greece | Henk Rigter – Netherlands
  • Peter Rober – Belgium | Jaakko Seikkula – Finland | Michel Silvestre – France
  • Fritz Simon – Germany | Peter Stratton – UK | Mehmet Sungur – Turkey
  • Umberta Telfner – Italy | Mina Todoulou – Greece | Justine Van Lawick – Netherlands
  • Monica Whyte – Ireland | Jim Wilson – UK | Yankı Yazgan – Turkey

Greater space will be provided for active involvement and co-creation of the Congress process through participation in Interest Groups – an  opportunity to meet colleagues with similar interests in a mutually enriching exchange of ideas and experiences and to reflect on issues raised throughout the Congress.

See you all in Istanbul for a meeting aimed at both scientific and personal exchange!

Kyriaki Polychroni                 Murat Dokur
President of EFTA            President of AETD

News from EFTA’s Chambers

Report by Jacques Pluymaekers, Chair EFTA-CIM

Chers Amis,

Bonne lecture de cette dernière Newsletter. Mais avant de vous rappeler notre prochain congrès, nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que notre ami Philippe Caillé a été fait membre d’honneur de notre association. Il n’est plus besoin de le présenter tant ses contributions à notre champ sont connues. Nous l’en remercions.
Notre Newsletter présente nombre de communications très riches pour notre domaine. Elle donne aussi un agenda de quelques journées d’études. Pouvons-nous à ce propos vous demander de communiquer au secrétariat l’annonce des journées d’études que vous organisez ou dont vous avez connaissance ?
Ceci sans oublier qu’octobre 2013 est à noter dans vos agendas : 8ème congrès d’EFTA en collaboration avec AETD de Turquie à Istanbul du 24 au 27 octobre.
Vous pouvez non seulement réserver ces dates mais déjà vous inscrire sur le site du congrès. Le programme est en train de se finaliser et sera sur le site tout prochainement. Nous attendons aussi vos propositions d’ateliers. Pensez à la Newsletter pour communiquer vos articles, vos recherches et vos journées d’études. Nous vous en remercions et au plaisir de partager avec vous les apports de notre congrès d’Istanbul.

Jacques Pluymaekers
Président d’EFTA-CIM

Dear Friends,

We wish you a good reading of this Newsletter. Before informing you about our next congress, we are honoured to announce that our friend Philippe Caillé was made Honorary Member of our Association. There is no need to present him again as his contributions to our field are very known and important. We thank him.
The Newsletter includes a lot of papers very interesting for our field. It also includes an agenda of events. Regarding this item, may we ask you to forward to the secretariat the announcements of events you organize or that you are informed. Please don’t forget to take good note of the dates of our 8th congress in Istanbul, Turkey, from 24 to 27 October 2013, in collaboration with the Turkish association AEDT. The online registration is now open on the congress website. The scientific program is going to be finalized and will be published very soon. We are also waiting for your submissions of workshops.
Think “Newsletter” to communicate your articles, researches and events. We thank you in advance. Looking forward to share with you about the further developments of the Istanbul congress.

Jacques Pluymaekers
Chairman EFTA-CIM

Report by Phil Kearney, Secretary EFTA-TIC

The annual EFTA-TIC General Assembly (GA) was held during the recent Trainers’ Meeting in Ohrid, FYROMacedonia (Sept 21st and 22nd, 2012). The minutes of the GA will be sent to all member institutes in the near future. They will also be available on the EFTA-TIC website.

Read some of the key issues from the GA (PDF 2,1 Mb)

Read a collation of the feedback from Ohrid (DOC 216 Kb)

Phil Kearney,
Secretary EFTA-TIC

Report by NFTO Board

Dear colleagues, dear friends from the NFTO’s,

We are happy to inform you about recent events and further developements in the Chamber of NFTOs!… Download the document (PDF 388 Kb)

See some pictures from the Oslo meeting, June 2012

On behalf of the NFTO-Board,
Maria Borcsa, Mina Polemi-Todoulou & David Amias

News from EFTA Members

Cinco voces europeas y un solista americano (E. Goldbeter, L. Linares, L. Onnis, E. Romano, M. Vannotti, C. Sluzki) (Español)

Masculino y Feminino. No vamos a discutir por eso!

Bajate el resumen en español (PDF 4,4 Mb)
Acceso al VIDEO con entrevistas a los ponentes en sus lenguas originales (español, français, italiano)
Access to the VIDEO with the speakers speaking in their own language (Spanish, French, Italian)

RELATES Newsletter has been born/Ha nacido el Boletin de RELATES

Systemic Family Therapists grow globally as well as new ways of communication.
In this context, RELATES Newsletter has been born. It is an on-line publication which aim lies in empowering family therapists in the RELATES Nework and provinding “continuous training” for its members. RELATES is known as the Spanish and Latin-American Systemic Schools Network… Read more (PDF 38 Kb)

Los familia de terapeutas sistémicos crece y con ellos las nuevas formas de comunicación.
En este contexto nace el Boletín de RELATES, publicacioón trimestral en formato electrónico cuyo objetivo primordial consiste en fortalecer el tejido relacional de la Red de Escuelas Latinas y Españolas Sistémicas, así como contribuir a la formación contínua de sus miembros… Leer más (PDF 32Kb)
by José Soriano – España

Articles of EFTA Members in various languages

Caratteristiche di personalità dei genitori di bambini affetti da disturbi dello spettro artistico mediante MMPI (dati preliminari)

M. Carone, A. De Giacomo, L. Margari, A. Marroncini, D. Martinelli, M. Perrone (Italiano)

Trasferire lo abstract (PDF 64Kb)

Causalité circulaire et coresponsabilité. Pour une autre approche des violences.

S. Fall (Français)

Lire l’article (PDF 200 Kb)

Evaluation of Experiential Project in Self Esteem “Excellence – Positiveness”

V. Simou (English)

8th Primary School in Kamatero, Athens
Read the article (PDF 5,6 Mb)

I gruppi di auto-aiuto

M. Carone, C. Laterza, O. Todarello (Italiano)

Trasferire lo abstract (PDF 48Kb)

Le Cartouche systémique

A. Chabert (Français)

Télécharger l’article en français (PDF 1,6Mb)

Parametri di Sviluppo nella Formazione del Terapeuta Familiare: Il processo di appropriazione della storia familiare del terapeuta.

A. Chouhy (Italiano)

(Quest’articolo è sembrato in francese in “Cahiers Critiques N°41, 2008” ed in inglese in “Human Systems, vol 19, 2008”). (PDF 232 Kb)

Parámetros de Desarrollo en la Formación del Terapeuta Familiar: El proceso de apropriación de la historia familiar del terapeuta.

A. Chouhy (Español)

(Este articulo fue publicado en frances en “Cahiers Critiques N°41, 2008” y en ingles en “Human Systems, vol 19, 2008”). (PDF 204 Kb)

Souffrances dans le milieu professionnel… Lieux professionnels en souffrance.

O. Trioullier (Français)

Lire l’article (PDF 84 Kb)

Thematic review of family therapy journals 2011

Article by Alan Carr. In this article (published in the Journal of Family Therapy (2012) 34: 431-451) the contents of the principal English-language family therapy journals published in 2011 are reviewed under these headings: child-focused problems, adult-focused problems, couples therapy, medical family therapy, military family therapy, theory, research, training, the newJournal of Couple and Family Psychology and Human Systems twenty-first anniversary.
Download the article (PDF 136 Kb)

Y aurait-il une politique familiale du gène?

A. Chabert (Français)

Télécharger l’article en français (DOC 182 Kb)

Status of Psychotherapy in Europe

The struggle for legal recognition of the education of psychotherapy and an autonomous psychotherapy profession in Europe.

Article written by Alfred Pritz and published in “The European Psychotherapist”, August 2011 issue.

Download the article (PDF 288 Kb)

Job Anouncement

Clinical Psychologist (Belgium)

The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), based at Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium, has a vacancy for the position Clinical Psychology, starting on September 1st, 2013.
Further information

Thérapeute familial – Psychologue (France)

L’Institut Départemantal de Thérapie Familiale, 72000 Le Mans, France
cherche un thérapeute familial – psychologue
Poste à pouvoir été 2013
Plus d’informations

Calendar of Events

Le bébé face au couple de ses parents

Conférence le lundi 28 janvier 2013 de 20h à 22h, Lyon, France

2nd International Conference on Dialogical Practices ‘You say you want a Revolution, well you know…’

7-9 March 2013, Leuven, Belgium

Pertinence et abus de l’intervention psychoéducative

Colloque les 28-29-30 mars 2013, Lyon, France

Creating Connections II: International Conference on Attachment, Neuroscience, Metallization Based Treatment and Emotionally Focused Therapy

18-20 April, 2013, Efteling, Netherlands

Bridging the Couple Chasm: Couples Therapy – A Research Based Approach

21-22 April, 2013, Oisterwijk, Netherlands

For more information on those or other events, refer to the Calendar of the EFTA website

Recent book/journal publications | Publications récentes

Se construire comme sujet : Entre filiation et sexuation

Ouvrage Collectif sous la direction de Karl-Leo Schwering avec la participation de Guy Ausloos, Alain Badiou, Marcel Gauchet, Marika Moisseeff, Jacqueline Schaeffer,… (Editions Eres, 2012)
Plus d’informations

Langages métaphoriques dans la rencontre en formation et en thérapie

Sur les traces d’Edith Tilmans-Ostyn, Editions Erès, 2012

Plus d’informations

Terapie familială sistemică. A comprehensive and practical introductory text in Romanian, designed primarily for students of family therapy.

Zoltán Kónya, Ágnes Kónya (AGAPE Life Care Foundation, Cluj)

Publisher: Polirom (Iaşi), year of publication: 2012
More information about the book

La terapia familiare in Europa. Invenzione a cinque voci

di Edith Goldbeter-Merinfeld, Juan-Luis Linares, Luigi Onnis, Elida Romano e Marco Vannotti, edito da Franco Angeli Edizioni, 2012
More information

Lo specchio interno: La formazione personale del terapeuta sistemico in una prospettiva europea

Luigi Onnis, Franco Angeli Edizioni, 2010
More information

Legami che creano, legami che curano

Luigi Onnis, Bollati Boringhieri Editore, 2010
More information

Cahiers Critiques de Thérapie Familiale et de Pratiques de Réseaux : Outils thérapeutiques pour l’approche systémique

N°48, Editions De Boeck, 2012
Plus d’informations

Systeme: Interdisciplinary journal for Systemic Research and Practice in the Human Sciences

Abstract of last issues

Contact us

For any contributions, comments,… Do not hesitate to contact us!

Pour toutes contributions, commentaires… N’hésitez pas à nous contacter!

President of EFTA: Kyriaki Polychroni 
EFTA secretariat: Fabienne Dardenne 

Agenda Upcoming events

Agenda Prochains évènements